Criminal Law

If you have been charged arrested or are currently in prison, we can help you obtain the best legal representation at the most affordable cost for you. If you are also in urgent need of legal assistance, we can ensure that you have access to the best lawyer at the earliest possible time.

We have direct experience of the NSW and QLD justice systems and we have assisted many clients through justice systems all over Australia. We know what you are going through. We have established many relationships with various lawyers and other experts and are now able to find you find you the right person at the right time. We are with you every step of the way as well as offering financial and non-financial support from beginning to end. We can assist you from anything such as a driving charge to the more serious criminal charges that can possibly result in a prison term. 

We take the stress out of the situation and ensure you and your family are in the best possible position to deal with any unfortunate occurrence.

Call us to discuss your options and how we can help you.